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Cache Address Book

If using email server options Microsoft Outlook Exchange or SMTP, Distribution Manager allows users to cache a local copy of a selected email list, to prevent long waits when loading the address book. Email lists may also be cached using the Profile Scheduler (see Address Book Cache for more information).

Cache a Selected Email List

  1. From Distribution Manager Settings > Email, select the Cache Address Book check box.
  2. From the Email Lists drop-down list, select the desired email list to be cached, then click the Cache Address List button. The selected email list is cached locally on the user's machine. Subsequently, when the email list is accessed, the system uses the cached list, reducing the load time.
  3. Repeat step 2 to select and cache additional email lists, or, to refresh a previously-cached address book.
  4. Note: If a cached list was created using the Microsoft Outlook Exchange option, and the option was later changed to SMTP, the Outlook cached list is still be available, but cannot be refreshed, as the Microsoft Outlook Exchange option is no longer selected.

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