Copy or Export Records
Spreadsheet Server allows for copying or exporting records from various panels (for example, Drill Down, List Accounts, Local Cache, ResultsContainer, etc.). Copying and/or exporting options vary slightly for different functions; basic processing is the same, however.
- From the Drill Down or List Accounts grid, select the desired record(s). To:
- Copy or export a single record: select the desired record.
- Copy or export select multiple records: press and hold the Ctrl key, as records are selected in the grid rows.
- Copy or export multiple records in a range: select the first record in the range, press and hold the Shift key, then, select the last record in the range.
- Copy or export all records in the grid, right-click and select Select All, or, click Options > Export > Select All.
- Right-click and select the appropriate copy or export function, or, select the appropriate copy or export function from Options > Export.
- Copy to Clipboard: copies data to the Windows clipboard.
- Copy to Clipboard w/Headings: copies data including headings to the Windows clipboard.
- Copy to Excel (Simple): displays the Copy into Excel panel. See step 3.
- Copy to Excel with Layout: displays the Export to Excel panel (see Copy to Excel with Layout for more information).
- Export to CSV, PDF, RTF, or Excel (Full Format): opens Windows Explorer.
- Export to Excel: displays the Copy into Excel panel. See step 3.
- If Copy to Excel (Simple) or Export to Excel was selected in the previous step, from the Copy into Excel panel, specify the following processing criteria:
- Include Headings: if selected, column headings are included in the copy.
- Select the appropriate radio button to indicate whether to copy to a worksheet, range, or table destination. If copying to a worksheet, enter the starting cell in which to place the data, and the target worksheet. If copying to a range or table, click the drop-down list to select the desired range or table.
- Click OK. The system copies the data to the selected destination.
See List Accounts, List Accounts for a GXL Formula, View or Refresh Local Cache, and "Execute Query" in the Query Designer User Guide for more information.