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GEXD Limit

Query Designer allows users to assign the number of records to be returned in Excel, when a GEXD formula is generated Additionally, the GEXD limit may also be assigned as a query parameter, giving users the ability to modify the desired number of records as necessary.

Assign a GEXD Limit

  1. From the Spreadsheet Server Ribbon, select Home > Query Options, then, in the GEXD Record Limit field, specify the maximum number of records to be returned in Excel, for the query.
  • A value of 0 indicates there is no limit to the number of GEXD records returned in Excel.
  • A positive integer indicates the number of records to be returned by the GEXD formula in Excel.

Assign GEXD Limit as a Parameter

  1. In the Parameters panel, click Add Parameter. A new row is added to the parameters grid.
  2. Enter a name (for example, GEXDLimit) and default value for the number of records to be returned, when processing the GEXD.
  3. From the Spreadsheet Server Ribbon, select Home > Query Options, then, in the GEXD Limit field, type &SPARMxx (where xx is the ID number assigned to the GEXD limit parameter, created in the previous step), then click OK.
  4. When the query is used in Excel, the parameter created above appears, allowing the user to specify the desired number of records to be returned, when the query is generated.

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