General Grid Features
Drill down panels in Spreadsheet Server offer the following features. Some of these basic grid features are also available in other functions, such as, List Accounts, Local Cache, or Execute Query.
Feature | Description |
Ad Hoc Drill Down |
To drill down from a predefined drill down panel (for example, Account Balances, Journals, etc.) to data retrieved by an ad hoc query, select the desired record in the grid, right-click, then select Ad Hoc Drill Down. From the Ad Hoc Drill Down drop-down list, select the query to be used for drilling down (see Drill Down to Selected Ad Hoc for more information). This option is only available if ad hoc queries exist for the predefined drill down level, and the user is:
Sub Queries |
To drill down from one drill down grid to data retrieved by a user-defined query, select the desired record in the grid, right-click, then select Sub Queries. From the Sub Queries drop-down list, select the query to be used for drilling down. This option is only available if:
Navigation |
To navigate to an open tab not visible in the drill down panel, click the drop-down list, and select the desired tab. |
Refresh |
To refresh data for the current drill down tab or panel, click the Refresh button ( |
Display SQL Statement |
To display the execution time and SQL statement of the current drill down tab or panel, click the Information button ( |
Re-sort Columns |
To resort a column in ascending order, click the column heading. To resort a column in descending order, click the column heading a second time. |
Autosize Columns |
To automatically resize column widths in a grid to the maximum length required for the header and/or data, right-click, then select Autosize. |
Re-size/Hide Columns |
To resize or hide a column, click and hold the left or right edge of the column header and drag to the desired width. |
Move Columns |
To move a column, click and hold the column header and drag to the desired location. |
Copy |
To copy to the Windows clipboard, select the desired record in the grid, right-click, then select Copy to Clipboard (see Copy or Export Records for more information). |
Dynamic Column Groupings |
To selectively group records and summarize amount columns by any column, drag the column heading to the summary section of the panel. To display detail records associated with a grouping, click the plus symbol ( + ) next to the desired grouping level. Click the minus symbol ( - ) to collapse the expanded view. Multiple levels of summary may be created. |
Filter Row |
To filter data in the grid, type the desired value in the appropriate column filter field. Alpha fields filter character-by-character, and numeric fields filter by entry of the full field value. |
Options: |
Click the Options tab to expand the Options menu. From here, users may group drill down data by account segment, select exporting options, create and maintain custom grid layouts, and control grouping and subtotaling options. This menu may be pinned to remain open. |
Group by Segment: |
This pane is only available when drilling down on |
Full Detail |
To display detailed drill down data, select Full Detail. |
Segment |
To display drill down data summarized at the segment level, select the desired account segment (see Drill Down: Group By Segment for more information). |
Export: |
Select All |
To select all rows in the grid, select Select All. |
Copy/Export |
To copy or export drill down or query results, select the desired rows in the grid, then the appropriate copy or export function (see Copy or Export Records or Copy to Excel with Layout for more information). |
Create Workbook |
To create a new workbook containing all the drill down or query results, select Create Workbook, specify the file name in the Save As panel, then click Save. |
Grid Layouts: |
By default, the basic grid layout is displayed. Alternate layouts may be created and applied at a later time, and set as the default. |
List Box |
Displays the name of the layout currently being used. Click the drop-down list, and select the layout to be applied to the grid. |
AutoSize Column Headers |
To automatically resize column widths in a grid to the maximum length required for the header and/or data, select AutoSize Column Headers. |
Fore/Back Color |
To change the color of the text or background of the rows in the drill down grid, select Fore Color or Back Color, the desired color from the Color panel, then click OK. |
Font |
To change the font of the text in the drill down grid, select Font, the desired font from the Font panel, then click OK. |
Save Current Layout |
To save the current grid layout, click Save Current Layout. If the layout is new, type the name to be assigned to the new layout, and click OK. |
Save Current Layout As |
To save the current grid layout as a new layout, select Save Current Layout As. Type the name to be assigned to the new layout, and click OK. |
Remove Layout from List |
To remove a layout, click the drop-down list, select the layout to be removed, then Remove Layout From List. |
Use Default |
To apply the default layout to the grid, select Use Default. Note: This option is only applicable to the |
Set Layout as Default |
To set a default layout to be used for the drill down level and/or query, click the drop-down list, select the desired layout, then Set Layout as Default. Note: This option is only applicable to subquery drill downs and the |
Column Headers |
To display only the standard column headers, select Default Column Headers, or to display the SQL field name beside the standard column header, select Column Headers w/ SQL Fields. Note: This option is not applicable to ad hoc, query or subquery drill downs, or the |
Groups and Subtotals: |
To apply subtotals to grouped data, select the check box next to the desired column header description. To remove a subtotal, unselect the check box of the desired column. |
Expand All |
To expand all grouped data in the grid, select Expand All. |
Collapse All |
To collapse all grouped data in the grid, select Collapse All. |
Sum Footers |
To display the totals of numeric columns at the bottom of the drill down panel, select Sum Footers. |
To print from Drill Down, Ad Hocs, and Sub Queries screens, select the cells > Export > Print > Print icon. |
See List Accounts, List Accounts for a GXL Formula, View or Refresh Local Cache, and "Execute Query" in the Query Designer User Guide for more information.